Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ernestine's Garden - Modified Nine Patch Quilt

Pieced in 2002, Quilted in 2010

Laura Delegal, Leroy, Alabama

I call this "Ernestine's Garden" because a majority of the material came from my Aunt Ernestine's quilt remnants.  She passed away in the early 1990s and some of her quilt scraps were passed to me and my mom.  I wanted something in her memory.  As it turns out, I did not keep it when finished.  My best friend's daughter fell in love with it and said, "Miss Laura, when I get married, I want that quilt."  She got married in March of 2010 and I finished it for her in August of 2010.  I told her about the history and hope she cherishes it as much as I do.

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