Monday, September 3, 2007

Diamond String Quilt

Circa mid 1930s

87" x 68"-79"

An ancestor of Elizabeth Delegal, either her grandmother Nonie Sellers or her mother Ada Morgan.  It may have even been made by one of their ancestors.

I'm not exactly sure what to call this hand-qulted quilt because it seems to be unique.  The scrap blocks are made using diamond shapes, and, upon close examination, the pieces create a star shape, but the string placement make it appear to be a hexagon string quilt.  This one is unquilted and appears to have been pieced together using an old sewing machine.  The blocks are made using faded material.  One faded pink piece of material on one of the uneven edges reads, "Quick Maid Dress" and other illegible writing.

Diamond String Quilt History

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